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Lego Star Wars
Posted by Richard Gomez & Gisselli Rodriguez

Who loves LEGOS!? I loved legos when I was a little kid, and this game is definitely fun to play. It follows the complete star wars saga, all you star wars nuts know that, but for all you that don't know....the complete saga follows through episodes 1-6.

Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.
Episode 2: Attack of the clones.
Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith.
Episode 4: A new hope.
Episode 5: The empire strikes back.
Episode 6: Return of the Jedi.
This game is very team based...even if you play alone you still have a team mate. The best way to play this is with a friend because then you can switch off using different characters during the game to get past obstacles. The light sabers are pretty cool too. I do wish there were more moves in terms of fighting. Overall this game is fun for a couple of hours of team play but it will eventually end. I recommend this game for a family or kids who enjoy light saber battles! May the force be with you.


Monday, June 28, 2010

at 6:14 PM

